Black Friday……

So today is the day after Thanksgiving. The day after we spend time with family, friends or coworkers. The day we are so thankful for God’s blessings on our lives. Thanks and giving put together to give our thanks to God and giving of ourselves to each other through food, fellowship and family. But then, today happens. The day when people get up early to fight the crowds for those “sales” that the retailers market for weeks before today. I used to be one that would do that….get up early, go spend a bunch of money and get disappointed when I didn’t get those “hot deals”. But today, I am sitting at home, with Cassie, and watching Lady and the Tramp while rocking her baby doll and contemplating that mountain of laundry that needs to be folded and put away. Don’t get me twisted though, I love a good sale as much as the next person but, I also know that it’s kind of, in my opinion, a double standard to be Thankful yesterday and then crash all those stores and fighting crowds for the latest and greatest. I do shop some online but for me…’s not worth the hassle just to save a few bucks. I instead want to stay home and remember the first Black Friday. The one where Jesus was crucified. The one where he gave me the ultimate gift of dying for MY sins. The one where he was beaten, mocked, spit on and ultimately murdered for being the Messiah. Yeah, I know that was his mission but it still doesn’t buffer the things that were done to Him.

I am in no way judging anyone that wants to go black Friday shopping. I was once one of you. But for me, I guess age makes me realize there are more important things in my life. Spending time with my family today, getting caught up on a few things around the house, enjoying my recliner and maybe a nap. The most important thing though, is remembering the original Black Friday. Yes it’s almost Christmas and yes it’s the celebration of Jesus’ birth but it is also a time to remember the purpose of His birth. In Matthew, it is written that darkness fell on the earth….

Matthew 27:45 Now from the sixth hour there was darkness over all the land unto the ninth hour. This is the original black Friday that I referenced above. But in 3 days…..Jesus arose from the grave and prophesy was fulfilled.

in Psalms it says….

Psalm 100:4 Enter into his gates with thanksgiving, and into his courts with praise: be thankful unto him, and bless his name.
Be thankful! Bless His name! Look around and see what you have to be thankful for. Think about this… you really and truly need more stuff? Do your kiddos need more toys? How about making memories with them? I don’t need or want anything so this year, I want memories. For my birthday, I wanted a day trip to Mount Magazine. For my anniversary we are spending a few days in Branson. For Christmas, I may just visit family or go on a day trip somewhere even though Mitch has to work. I just know that at this stage in life I want to create memories instead of collect more stuff. The wise men brought Jesus gifts. Gold, Frankenstein and Myrrh…..costly gifts but with meaning and use. Think on those gifts your buying… they have meaning or use? One of my favorite gifts I have received was my mama’s old ceramic Christmas tree. I used to look at it when I was little and sneak a touch here and there. They are hot items now and I have about 3 now but my favorite is the old one of mama’s. It didn’t cost the giver a dime, but there is so much meaning in that one gift. Something that can’t be bought on Black Friday. Maybe I am an old soul…..or maybe I’m a scrooge but I know that I would rather stay home, avoid the mess that comes with Black Friday and continue to be thankful for health, my home, my job and my family because in the end…that is all that really truly matters. So, this Christmas, as you buy or make gifts for people, take a moment and pray over them. Pray the receiver is blessed, pray they have health and happiness in the next year. And lastly, be Thankful for the gift we have from God himself…one that won’t collect dust or get played with a few minutes and thrown in a toy box or returned for something better. That’s the gift that I want….no return policy! Have a great Holiday season and don’t forget the true reason for this season we are in……

God Bless………Chandelly

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